A homo sap universal manual.
It will be universally mandated and of course be translated into a bazillion languages and all homo saps must commit it to memory. Worry not. It isn't that long.
Of course the original will be written by trump since it is the big he who came up with the marvelous solution to achieve world peace.
We need a guideline of RIGHT THINK to go by because how else would we know what it is unless it is written down?
So he writes it and releases it and has it translated in to how many thousands of languages? Well he will know what that number is. We needn't worry our pretty little heads.
Once we have it in hand we memorize it. There will be a test so this is not optional. If you don't pass it you are in deep trouble and will be kept isolated and retested how ever many times it takes before you are allowed to be released into any community. Dissent is very dangerous to all living things. The only way to stamp it out is to pull it out by its roots.