Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Are you complexifying or simplifying as you age? Are the things that matter most to you increasing/decreasing in number?
Ditto Shuhak. "Me too". I've let things go that used to matter. I'd drag them around with me from pillar to post. I don't why. Maybe it has to do with "growing up". Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday! :)
Is your "concentrating" increasing or decreasing with respect to HOW MANY THINGS you choose? More or less? I "concentrate" and "choose" fewer so my baggage is lighter now than it was before. Thank you for your reply tom and Happy Saturday. I am a retired Internal Auditor Auditor. Concentrating is essential to the job. I've never had a problem in that area. Intensely concentrating fits me like a glove. An acquaintance once told me that everything around me could be on fire and if I were working on a problem I wouldn't even notice. Different strokes or maybe not! :)
concentrate---focus one's attention or mental effort on a particular object or activity.
I use "concentrate" slightly differently---My routine is to first narrow the scope of my interests and then bring my energy to bear on what's been prioritized.
I hone right in immediately. You do things in steps. On the other hand could I be doing the same thing as you and be unaware of it? Mebbe. My Jim gets distracted so easily. Not me. Once I'm in I stay in until I get to a point where I can take a break. I have actually had people tell me that my intensity "scares" them. My mom even told me that once and I was floored. Thank you for your reply! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at July 29, 2019 3:02 PM MDT
I took medication years ago, and I had a relatively mild case. Haven't needed the medication in about 10 years. I'm pretty comfortable with my ADHD now---in that we co-exist well.
I have nightmares about two things tom. Have for YEARS. Only two things. One is being LATE to wherever and the other is being ABANDONED somewhere unfamiliar to me with no way to get home. The latter "dream" really does me in. However I have on rare occasion "in the dream" thought maybe this is a dream" but usually it is very real and I awaken very shaken. I wonder if that is some sort of compulsion? I remember as a kid I've have a "dream" about something happening to my parents but I think that's normal. I think most kids go through that and grow out of it. I've never followed up up with getting help with it or trying to figure out WHY those two things dog me. Other than that I think I'm "condition-free" but then how do I judge myself? Thank you for your reply! :)