It's funny. When you are looking at a child starving in a cage and KNOW there is a way to help, but you feel helpless.
It's funny, but I just cannot find any humor in this.
I am not laughing any more. I am ANGRY. I am beyond INFURIATED. I am even more angry with the half of this country that thinks everything is fine as long as their stupid lives are not affected. It's easier to hear nonsense and repeat it.
Do you know what someone at work said to me yesterday? Bernie Sanders likes to tie up women.
This is the retarded element that is going to choose my future in this country.
Bernie Sanders likes to tie up women. That is what THIS MORON SAID TO ME.
There is a nervous laughter. A laughter based on being hysterical. With regard to the kennel cage k ids who are deprived of LOVE CARE EMPATHY SOAP TOOTHBRUSHES SHOWERS CLEAN CLOTHES WARM COVERS I am cried out. No one in power gives a sh** about any of it. Some cretin border guards made fun of these childrens and their parents. The trump cabal et al CRETINS are purposedlyh being cruel to show off for the peeps who support them. There is no evil that goes too far to stop them. They are all in concert accountable for this. The cretins who still think the trump cabal et al is the cat's pajamas and the swamp creatures who are raping the country every day in every way. There is no language that can properly describe them. I have tried. SIGH. And Pelosi won't do her job. She is killing herself trying to put the brakes on a runaway train. She is too old and too rigid and too frightened to step up to the plate and swing. My opinion. Thank you for your reply!