There are a bazillion patriotic-sounding organizations. Americans for Job Security. AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY. It is a network of non-profit groups whose Agenda is to rig elections, stack the deck and make sure they pack the courts and judicial benches with Conservatives and Libertarians.
The single most awfullest thing The Supremes ever done did to do us in was to allow the Citizen's United to become law. That's where they said money is like free speech and you ought to be able to spend as much of it as it you want to get what you want. That's how PAC's were formed and how billions of dollars are spent without limit to get your guy elected. All it takes is money honey and folks who don't give a sh** about fair play and you're off and running. Usually the guy who spends the most MONEY wins the election. DUH! And unlimited spending means all the dark money billionaires are really running the country. Money talks. Money controls. Money insures. Money is all. And this is what so many people love most about politics. The dark money boys and girls too I suppose just take out the checkbook and buy whomever they want for however long they want and then ORDER THEM to do their bidding. Why do you think they got $1.5 TRILLION TAX CUT right off the bat? Quid pro quo for spending billions to get "their guy" elected. And that's the way it is.