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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Dante's Inferno has many levels for the wicked. Perhaps God's Heaven has many levels too. Maybe a penthouse for the pure in heart?

Dante's Inferno has many levels for the wicked. Perhaps God's Heaven has many levels too. Maybe a penthouse for the pure in heart?

Perhaps dungeons for those who aren't. No one alive has any knowledge of it so we just sit and wait and opine.
I think many very wicked people believe what they do is God's will and He will welcome them to their etermal spot in Heaven for eternity. I believe there are millions of them...billions perhaps worldwide.

I wonder if God has checklist of what He will and will not tolerate in His Heavenly Space?

Maybe it will be posted outside the Pearly Gates so that those who do not qualify can just turn around and go back to another place.

The top first disqualifier? HARMING OTHERS BY WORDS AND DEED PURPOSEFULLY. How many will be able to say they never did?

Sometimes you harm inadvertently due to ignorance or stupidity but it was not your intent. I think God would know and allow such homo saps as those to live forever with Him in Heaven but give them a different section to live in apart from those WHO NEVER HARMED OTHERS BY WORD OR DEED.

Posted - July 30, 2019


  • 46117
    Heaven does have many many many levels.

    It stands to reason.  You go from purgatory to limbo to the astral planes to the etheric planes to the Source.

    You know.  That idea.  In otherwords, the level your awareness accepts and is conscious of, is the level you will enter when the body is shed.  

    There are levels of pure nightmare.  That is hell. That is Trumpland.  He will probably live in his nightmares and reincarnate as a lower form than he has already devolved into.  

    Creatures like him and Aldoph Hitler are from the same cloth.  They come back and do harm and infest the world with their negative ideas of mankind.  And these blights on society serve to eventually cause mankind to evolve or sink into a valley of depravity so low, history will be forgotten as we go back to living in caves again.

      July 30, 2019 3:35 AM MDT