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The chump is a greedy selfish lying racist traitor. He consorts with and supports hostile foreign country leaders over his own people. His peeps love him for it. They get off on anyone who can get away with what he gets away with! To top it off he viciously attacks folks who disagree with him. He is big on having his a** kissed and when it isn't well he goes all Rumpelstiltskin on the poor sap and attacks viciously relentlessly endlessly stomping his tiny feet. His peeps especially adore him for that. They must else why would they have continued to support him worship him adore him defend him protect love him so? Inquiring minds wanna know. So?
The crappier he is the more beloved he is. Weird queer peculiar odd bizarre a**_backward. It is what it is and that's all that it is. That I can tell you! Everyone says so!