Tweet chump, the real homo sap, totally sabotaged what Teleprompter chump said the day before.
Nothing new. Teleprompter chump is shackled to words written by others. He DARE NOT ad lib.
Tweeter chump ad libs, shoots from the hip and spews hate and gibberish attacking specific targets of hate AT EVERY RALLY! That is why he holds so many rallies. To throw his worshipping adorers as much RED MEAT as they can eat which is why they are always so bloody after each rally. They LOVE chump and what he stands for and sits for and lives for and lies for and commits treason for. SIGH. I do not believe that "some of them are very fine people". If they were "very fine people" they wouldn't be there to hate hate hate hate hate hate hate. Period. Would they?
The Tweet chump is the same chump who shows up at the hate-filled rallies where the audience shows their joy by chanting 3-word chants that only they appreciate, value, find meaning in so bigly. It's their thing or they wouldn't be there. Right?