Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» I am a chld of those who escaped genocide by coming to the US. I've experienced sexism but not overt bigotry/racism. What's YOUR experience?
From elementary through high school, I experienced bigotry against intelligence.
Yes - I do believe that is a form of bigotry. It is promoted by less intelligent, less educated people and passed down to their children. The same as any other form of bigotry.
Though it is still "acceptable" to physically assault someone, based on that bigotry.
My best friend in grade school had an IQ of 140. She used to cry after school her mom told me. Kids would make fun of her.
So, yes, it seems to be some low level form of human nature to want to gang up and attack something or someone that can be perceived as a threat that you cannot overcome.
I remember reading about many a child star who had to be taken out of their school because all the others were so jealous.
It gives me the creeps to think that way and I never understood it. But then again, I am not stupid.
I skipped a few grades because I was an EXCELLENT student. I was also painfully shy. The other kids called me "teacher's pet". It was painful and I would not relive any of those school days for any amount of money. But bigotry? Not to me. It was simply fear of "the other". That is how I have always perceived it. Kids want to FIT IN. I never did. I was a "weirdo" to them. Your view of bigotry and mine are very different. Fear and jealousy in CHILDREN is not the same as FEAR and JEALOUSY among adults. The former is "normal" but harmless most usually. The latter can kill you and often does. Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday to thy.
This post was edited by RosieG at August 8, 2019 4:35 AM MDT
From the 50's to the late 60's my neighborhood changed. This was 50 years ago. I watched bigots turn into sane people simply because they were exposed to blacks. We hate what we don't understand.
So, I think of American bigotry as places that have not advanced in 50 years and there is a HUGE area in this country that I never realized is this BEHIND the times. I just left and never came back. There are STILL people in Northlake, Illinois who are racist. But, they have bigger fish to fry now that they have lots more people to be prejudiced about.
How nice. I moved. They are much more lenient towards people of color, but I know of people who I grew up with that are still racist. I tend to send them Christmas cards and that is all I can stomach.
We are so very fortunate to have RACIST BIGOT top dawg in the person of the dumbunnyjacka** "prez". Due to his exemplary leadership hate crimes have risen noticeable since he took over the country. I am sure we are the envy of all other country's citizens. I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply! :)