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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » When surrounded by "the enemy" who speaketh of vile things/homo saps smack 'em back verbally. SILENTLY. Ever try it?

When surrounded by "the enemy" who speaketh of vile things/homo saps smack 'em back verbally. SILENTLY. Ever try it?

It really helps. Speaking loudly in silence helps you vent. Doing it so no one can hear protects your life and limb from the crackpot wackadoodles who look for any reason to "take you out". Some of them might well carry guns. Some of them might well be LOOSE CANNONS. Some of them might well be gunning for someone anyone to exterminate to release some hate so they don't explode. Trust no one. They are all deceivers. Be warned. "The enemy" is everywhere and growing in size. Word to wise. Stifle it unless YOU KNOW who and what surrounds you! ;)

Posted - August 9, 2019
