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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Global recession futurely for all? Can the US superhero save us? Will he swoop in and catch Lois before she falls?

Global recession futurely for all? Can the US superhero save us? Will he swoop in and catch Lois before she falls?

The Donald John Trump said he could fix it. Whatever it is that was wrong he would fix. As a self-proclaimed EXTREMELY STABLE GENIUS he knows more than the General he said. So now it's time to show us what he meant by that Odds that he will crash and burn or soar upwardly to the heavens and take us with him? I dunno. The guy's a magician. Despite all he is and isn't he was "elected/installed" as prez. You tell me how that isn't weird bizarre and inexplicable?

Posted - August 15, 2019


  • 34871
    We are growing.....have not had a neg growth at all. Got to have neg growth for a recession.

    Dems just dreaming of a bad ecomony for the election. 
      August 15, 2019 5:06 AM MDT