He could spend the entire rally spewing epithets. Read a phone book or a dictionary out loud to them. Even insult and attack them and they'd adore him for it. They cheer repetition dull boring pedestrian sophomoric attacks on anyone and anything. They have no low that is too low for him to go that they won't adore.
He repeats and repeats and repeats and repeats and repeats. They react as if it's always brand new and brilliant and insightful. It is inciteful to be sure. They are easy peasy to please when he is on stage. They forgive him anything and everything 24/7. He could sit there and fall asleep in a chair and they'd be very quiet not to disturb him. Who could ask for a better audience than that? Theydon't mind him fat-shaming one of them. The chump can have their way with them and they are thrilled for the attention. A perfect marriage of slick and hick. Snake oil salesman and needy buyers..