The chump gave Jared the job of securing middle east peace...specifically between Palestine and Israel. The chum said he could make it happen.
How does he go about it?
He orders Israel's Netanyahu to BLOCK entry to Israel of two American Citizen duly-elected Congresswomen who happen to be MUSLIM from entering the country!
Now how is it that on one hand chump sez he will broker peace in the middle east and has Jared spend time and money and YEARS working very hard to do just that
while on the other hand out of the other side of his mouth he totally interferes with the possibility of American Muslims getting a first-hand experience of what Israel has to offer, what is going on there, what the people are really like?
He has no clue what he is going to do from minute to minute. His brain is never engaged. It's off on a golf course cheating or tweeting rants raves insults or watching cable news or dreaming about hot babes when he was young and grabbed them by their private parts because he sez "they let you do it".
Anyone who puts credence in anything chump says is nuts.