Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» The chump said "Trade wars are easy to win". When does the winning begin and how will we know we won if we're in a recession?
Let me tell you something. ANYTHING is EASY if: YOU totally know what you are doing because you have done it so many times, it is like effortless. The other reason something is easy, is because you have NO IDEA what you are doing and DO NOT bother to see if there are consequences.
Example? Lemmings. Trump, the LEMMING leader rushes to cliff and falls off and base follows, irregardless of the FACT, the inevitable FACT that they are all gonna die.
EVERYTHING IS EASY IF YOU ARE HEEDLESS. The new improved scientific medical term is now ADD or ADHD. Attention deficit disorder.
Everything chump says is gibberish. None of it is sane reasonable rational coherent cogent normal logical. He is consistent in that one thing. That so many support his gibberish is shocking. Whatcha gonna do when the well runs dry? Well chump was always a dry well. Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)