Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» The bar is so low all ya gotta lack is creativity/intelligence and be easy to bamboozle and you too can be Prez! Didja know?
Trump won the GOP pawn lottery from HELL and he dragged all of us down with him. Pretending it was a swamp; he lured us closer until the flames and stench could not be ignored. WE ARE IN HELL and we helped him put us there.
So, it doesn't take any guts nor gumption. It takes corruption. You take all of the crooks who can be bought and line them up and which one is the greediest, most narcissistic opportunist alive?
TRUMP wins. NO contest. But in the lottery? There happen to be a LOT of Trumps. If you don't believe me, look at the pretenders to the Throne he is playing Games with. Just look at the SLIME the GOP has offered up to vie for his 2016 seat. One by one, WORSE creeps than he was, fell by the wayside. WORSE. Racists all. And the creepiest is Reagan fake/double Mitt Romney. A guy who will smile and schmooze whatever he needs to, like a good politician and put that EVANGELICAL type GOD IS ON MY SIDE spin on everything.
From day one chump has always been a queer peculiar clown. To be ridiculed as he was for decades by fellow New Yorkers which they did. They had Contempt for him. What we didn't know then that we do know now is that he is an evil clown in cahouts colluding conspiring with Russia to enrich himself at all cost. That he attracted even one supporter is surprising. But 63 million voted for him and I don't know if that many or more will vote for him again. He did not win anything. It was all rigged and still is and will be while chump is "in charge". He selects evil a**kissers to service him and he has done an excellent job of sticking with vermin. Of course having the help of Moscow mitch that son of an itch to force Advise and Consent on all his puppet judges is very helpful. Their credentials? They are all greedy money-hungry hoors who have no conscience or limits or brakes. They want more so they just take and those who don't support their crimes are their targets. Vermin seeks its own level. There may be a GOD for vermin. I don't know. That I can tell you. Everyone says so. Thank you for your reply Sharon.