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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Money buys the "appearance" of a reverence for life. How so?

Money buys the "appearance" of a reverence for life. How so?

Rich women don't have to go to family planning clinics. They go to Beverly Hills or Palm Beach or any other ritzy enclave to their expensive doctor's office where silence is golden and they do what any other women does when she is pregnant and doesn't want to be.

Who is gonna out her? She is obscenely wealthy. That is all it takes to buy silence.

Close all clinics. Women who used them will die of self-administered abortion attempts.
The wealthy women won't die. They will do the same thing and survive.

Now you see what money can buy? Life.

Posted - August 20, 2019


  • 46117
    Here is what you cannot buy.  Your immortal soul that is witnessing, unspoken and unheard, everything the body it is encased in is DOING. Mentally and physically.  AND that WITNESS, that GOD FORCE?  It gets to communicate with that soul when the soul leaves that dead body.  FACE TO FACE or whatever passes for a face in the "unseen" worlds of the non-physical.

    What am I babbling about?  The FACT that you cannot buy what we came on this Earth to gain.  We are yearning for the BLISS that comes with AWARENESS, UNATTACHMENT and BEING IN THE PRESENT WITH NO WANTS.  BASICALLY.  It is like floating with supreme eager energy.  That is the best way I can explain it.  I've merely peeked, never was able to sustain that bliss.  But I KNOW IT EXISTS.  

      August 20, 2019 12:41 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I wish what you said were true Sharon. I'm pretty sure it isn't. That is somewhat like Buddhism isn't it? Detachment? Acceptance of the dark and light as being part of existence? Neither good nor bad. It just is?  Yin and Yang?The chump and his cabal et al find bliss in getting what they want when they want it how they want it and harming those who get in their way by disagreeing. We know there are at least 63,000,000 of them. Those who voted for the chump. They saw in him exactly what they wanted. An evil greedy money hungry hoor who likes white. A greedy evil money hungry hoor who will sleep with the enemy sell the country out and lie about everything all the time. That is their bliss. Awareness unattachment being in the present with NO WANTS? That is not them. That is anathema to them. The rest of us have to figger out how to live with it or get rid of it. How do you make 63 million people disappear or inpotent? Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday! :)
      August 21, 2019 2:07 AM MDT