Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The chump thanked and retweeted the words of Wayne Allyn Root. Guess what they were?

The chump thanked and retweeted the words of Wayne Allyn Root. Guess what they were?

Trump is the greatest president fo Jews and Israel in the history of the world. Jews love him like he is the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God.

Well my Jewish pals out there? Is that true for you? Does Wayne Allyn Root speak for you? Does chump's verbatim thank you to Root resonate with you because they are true?

I though Jesus was King of Israel. I guess I thought wrong.

Nice to know that chump is so beloved by the Wayne Allyn Roots of the world isn't it and not just the crackpot wackadoodle gibberish-loving birther conspiracy crazies.  Oh wait. Root is one of those. Well take your pick.

Adore whom you want. Support whom you want. Prodons take pride in supporting the King of Israel.

Posted - August 21, 2019
