Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I lead a very sheltered life. I do not facebook youtube twitter tweet or any of the places where crackpots meet for what purpose?

I lead a very sheltered life. I do not facebook youtube twitter tweet or any of the places where crackpots meet for what purpose?

Apparently the prodons are doing it and have been doing it constantly. There is something called the EPOCH TIMES promoting chump and wackadoodle crackpot sick conspiracy theories whose culprits are guess whose? Dems of course. And they suck up to brown nose and kiss the a**es of folks they interview for typical propaganda purposes. A juggernaut that is all about chump and about the wondrousness of chump and simultaneously promulgate the usual standard crackpot conspiracy theories that all gullibles love to embrace believe retweet. Online boosters.

How do the Dems combat such a behemoth sloth of superstition sleazy scandalmongering and outrageous made up crap that all the saps buy and swallow and spread around?

Poor y'all who are caught up in the scum and dirt and filth and vermin  and liars who stalk and populate to infiltrate and  infect invade conquer. Hope you got your shots. If not you are already one of them.

Posted - August 21, 2019


  • 46117
    oh.  I see. Like there were NO crackpots on Answer Bag or here then?

    I think Facebook, et.al., are wonderful if you have a wonderful mind.  They are networking tools.  If you don't have an idle mind that is in the devil's workshop, you can connect and work miracles.   You can get a clientele, you can make influential friends that matter, you can find places and people to visit if that is your bent.  Or?  You can TROLL and hack and do all the things people are wary of no matter where they wind up on the web.

    It can be amazing.  It can be whatever you need.  Most people don't have the vision or imagination to use this stuff successfully and there are inexpensive blockers to protect everyone.  If you care.  I don't.  I haven't been hacked and I am not careful. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at August 21, 2019 9:33 AM MDT
      August 21, 2019 9:30 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I stayed in my own lane on Answerbag Sharon and I am even more limited here.  The lane on Answermug is narrower. My good luck I am slimmer now than I was before so it fits me just fine. I stay in my spot and have no desire to venture out. Have I encountered crackpots? Well I've engaged with some very illogical people who are prone to conspirarcy theories. Not often and not for long. I have no interest in anything that billions of people adore. What I've read about those sites disgusts me even more. They are not my cuppa tea. They are used as jumping off places to spread conspiracy theories lies propaganda and terrorism. Some sites are filled with bullies and some folks have been driven to suicide because of the bullying. Nothing about any of that crap appeals to me so I stay away purposely. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday to you. On those sites you live or die by likes I gather. I'm not willing to die. This post was edited by RosieG at August 21, 2019 9:39 AM MDT
      August 21, 2019 9:38 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Excuse me.  Some of us have a better memory.  We had a DELUGE of people attacking you and your son for the entire time Answer Bag was open for business.

    I KNOW.  I was the one who was getting thrown off for defending you against those trolls. THEY NEVER STOPPED EVER. And your son was the big reason they hated Answer Bag.  

    I remember every one of those drunken bums from England who would sit in a  tavern and get drunk and attack any one on answer bag in the PERSONAL MESSAGES and tell them how RICH was horrible and you were the devil.

    So, please do not re-write history.

    You can shut the world out, but they are still THERE.
      August 21, 2019 10:36 AM MDT

  • 6023
    IMO ... Facebook (and other social media) is no different from a physical meeting place.

    If you aren't a Republican, you probably won't hang out in the local Republican offices or attend their meetings.
    Same thing on social media - you aren't likely to join those online groups that you wouldn't attend in person.

    On the other hand, social media is a great place to stay connected with friends and family.
    Much easier than writing letters or talking on the phone.
    I mean, social media allows you to use 1 post to tell hundreds (or more) of people your latest update. 
    Imagine if you had to call all those people, or even send an email.
      August 21, 2019 9:37 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You do know that some of those sites attract bullies and that some of the victims of those bullies commit suicide. I want no part of that. I do not want bilious billions having access to me or what I write. I am content to be in a very small space in my own little spot where people have to seek me out. I'm good to go. All of the rest is unappealing to me. I'm a loner and shy and so I stay away from where zillions gather. Thank you for your reply. I don't know hundreds of people Walt. The few relatives/friends with whom I am in contact I can handle. I am not a fan of those Christmas letters that let you know when someone burped or went to his/her first dance. They bore me. So I lose nothing by not subjecting myself to them or them to me. Lotsa of people are egotistical enough to think others care about every little thing that goes on in their lives. I'm not one of them. This post was edited by RosieG at August 21, 2019 9:46 AM MDT
      August 21, 2019 9:44 AM MDT

  • 6023
    I admit - I don't understand social media bullying.
    I believe you have to actively add people to your social media contact list.
    So I don't know why the victim can't just delete the bully from their list.

    Again, it's no different from the physical world.
    I was bullied all through school - so I didn't hang out with the bullies after school.

    Of course, I also don't understand why the Kardashians are celebrities ... or why thousands of people watch live videos of someone putting on makeup.
      August 21, 2019 9:53 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I was bullied too Walt. I was painfully shy, skipped a few grades so I was younger than the others and was a chunky little girl! 3 strikes against me! I don't know how those attack sites work. I do not know how some evil cruel jealous rotten mean girls have bullied other girls so viciously consistently relentlessly endless forcing the girls to commit suicide to make it stop. Why they didn't block or not read the crap from the "murderers" I cannot say. I stay far far far away from that kinda poison. I don't have the stomach for it. Thank you for your reply! :) I don't understand why folks were crazy about Bob Dylan. He has/had a LOUSY voice that hurt when he sang. Go figger. As for the Kardashians they are rich and they are good looking so they are the pin-up family for girls who would like to be like them. No mystery there.

    Boys have pinup guys whom they would like to be like as well. Being a fan is not specific to a gender. Guys can get as gollywogged  bonkers over other guys or girls as gals can get gollywogged bonkers over other guys or r girls. ENVY and JEALOUSY and WORSHIP and ADMIRATION and wishing to be them is the cause. Who turns his/her back on the rich and famous? Why are there huge audiences in huge arenas for anyone? Because the anyones have admirers. Talent is in the eye of the beholder. The Kardashians have the talent to cause people to want to watch them living their lives. It is not the talent of a great opera star or ballerina or actress. It doesn't need to be. Anyone can swoon over anyone for any reason at any time. You look your nose down on the Kardashians and by extension their fans. There are any number of rich and famous people who are worshipped not for intellect or talent or contribution to society or accomplishment. They are admired simply because they are rich and famous. Get it? Don't go knocking the Kardashians unless you are willing to knock other publicity hoors whom you admire unless you admire no one. Do you? I know it's hard to prove a negative isn't it? This post was edited by RosieG at August 22, 2019 4:54 AM MDT
      August 22, 2019 4:46 AM MDT

  • 6023
    The only celebrities I "admire" are those who are not in the public spotlight.  They aren't "attention whores".
    I'm not even sure "admire" is the correct word, as I'm not thinking any specific person - more of the action.
    They obviously don't believe it's their place to tell the rest of us what to do or how to behave, and don't feel the need to brag about whatever charity work they do. 
    Could I name them?  Nope.  Because I don't keep up on who is a celebrity, other than who is being shoved in our faces at the moment.
      August 22, 2019 7:22 AM MDT

  • 1817
    all of these mainstream social media sites are used by both dems and republicans. so i dont really understand what you're on about. just seems like another person who thinks they're above other just because they dont use social media. 
      August 21, 2019 10:41 AM MDT

  • 34864
    Both parties use all forms of social media. So do most businesses. 
    Personally I don't post on FB  other than for my business because I find it is for nosy people.
      August 21, 2019 2:31 PM MDT