For those who don't know I am of Armenian Descent and my people suffered through a genocide losing 1.5 million people on death marches at the hands of the Turks which predated the ghastly horrific monstrously evil Jewish HOLOCAUST. In that "historical episode" the Jewish people "lost" 6 million of theirs due to the fervent hatred of Nazis who wanted to exterminate them just as the Turks wanted to exterminate my people. There is something about being objects of determinative extermination that brings people together.
Do I have to draw you a map? Can you not see the forever bond/connection between Armenians and Jews? They are my people because they know even better than I what hatred does when it has power. I relate to my Jewish brethren. It is inevitable and inescapable that people who suffer similar tragedies bond. Or so I thought.
So I don't how to reconcile what this obviously very knowledgeable person said about me. That I am anti-semitic and that I hate Jews. I did not know. I shall have to contemplate that at great length. Surely that speaker knows what of and whereof he/she speaketh. How on one level I could think I LOVED respected admired related to Jewish people when in fact he/she says I hate them I can't figger out.
Any of you know? I am gobsmacked.