Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Guess how much the obscenely wealthy will be getting in tax cuts futurely?

Guess how much the obscenely wealthy will be getting in tax cuts futurely?

Well ya see we don't really know. But we do know what was true of the past so let's just see that.

The chump sez it will be fun to gut Medicare.

So in 2017 $705.9 BILLION was paid out

Whaddabout Medicaid?

So in 2017 $581.9 BILLION was paid out

If medi care/aid had been gutted the obscenely wealthy lazy bum deadbeats could have been DOLED out the grand total of $1,287.8 TRILLION BUCKAROOSKIS!

But that ain't all folks. WHADDABOUT SOCIAL SECURITY? Gut that too and give all the lazy welfare deadbeat bum obscenely wealthy parasites that money too. They will be very happy.

Those are numbers from before. Numbers futurely will be even more! Oh frabjous day! Oh joy. Be still my heart.

So you can see why anything chump does is okay with them since all they care about is more money more money  more money for them. Screw others. They don't count. They are the "little people".

Posted - August 23, 2019
