A chronological age is stated.
A mandatory place of birth is stated
Elsewise it is vague misty fuzzy uncertain
I wonder why the Founding Fathers ASSUMED only rational reasonable sensible cogent coherent homo saps would want to be prez? I know that no one could imagine what we have but surely some restrictions about lack of mental stability ought to have been stipulated. Perhaps a TEST given to see how far from reality the candidate was mentally.
Are you happy with the way things are? Becoming almost anything else has stricter rules than becoming a prez. Educational requirements or experience or character or personality or morality or integrity or honesty or concern for others. And any CRIMINAL activity should not be allowed. That alone would have precluded chump from running. His multiple SHADY dealings with criminals was on the record. He suing and being sued for a bazillion crappy things was on the record. His misogyny and duplicity and betrayals were all on the record. Y'all knew what a sleazeball you were voting for and you wanted him anyway. So clearly you are not selective enough or astute enough to rule out crooks and shyters and liars. You need constraints restraints border lines. For future. Only you would want another chump as prez. Not the rest of us..
So requirement for being prez is very holey. Not religious holy but filled with holes holey. Like a sieve. Sheesh.