I don't know what the terms of the loans are or if there is something therein that says PAYMENT ON DEMAND for the full balance can be stated at any time if Chinga gets massiviely ticked off at chump.
There is also the option of China selling our debt that we OWE to them to other countries. It would be quite lovely if our debt were purchased by a "SH**HOLE" country or by Greenland or by any other ally country that the dumbunny idiot insulted attacked lied about demeaned denigrated smacked down. Which is a lot.
What country would you like that $1.11 TRILLION in debt to be owed to and why?
If we don't come through can they simply take assets equal in value?
Would you walk into the bank that holds your mortgage and insult attack lie about that bank to the manager and also humiliate the manager for no reason other than that you are a certified honest-to-gawd crackpot wackadoodle nutjob?
Would you insult the surgeon who is operating on you to save your life? I'm just asking. A slip of the knife and boom you die. No one can prove it wasn't an unfortunate accident. Accidents happen all the time death being the result of some of them.
I'm very anxious to see the red carpet and marching bands and amazing flyovers and tanks and cannons and baton-twirling gorgeous girls that the other G7 members have planned to welcome the chump to France. He DEMANDS respect from everyone. BE WARNED if you don't please him! He will exact REVENGE in the most unholy way and retaliate until he dies because he never forgets a slight. That is clearly due to the Elephant within him I guess.