There is a HUGE activity going on to DISCREDIT anyone in the media that the guy or his staff deem HOSTILE to him. You read that right.
The investigators are going to be digging into the lives and backgrounds of ALL JOURNALISTS to find dirt and anything embarrassing that they can use against them.
That is now the price of doing your job and seeking the truth/facts/proof/evidence and writing about it.
A worthy endeavor ain't it? We can't have anyone anywhere at any time for any reason actually telling us what the guy actually said or did or threatened or planned. Not good PR.
So whatcha got is gonna be a FEDERALLY SUBSIDIZED NATIONAL ENQUIRER based in the White House which will leave no tern unstoned to seek revenge retaliation and retribution. Being held accountable is not something he will tolerate. All videos of him or audios of him that are embarrassing will be confiscated and destroyed.
I'm not sure what the details are. This news is hot news. I don't know if they will get any warnings first before the dirt is told and all he** breaks loose the dam/dike bursts and the floods begin. Kinda likie what happened with WIKILEAKS. Remember? Well this is a WIKILEAKS conrolled by him and his peeps with a determined focus than which there will be a whicher..
Of course how do we know that lotsa lies won't be thrown in for good measure? We don't. That's the fun of it y'all. Is it true or a Lie? We'll see what happens. That I can tell you. Everyone says so. I can hardly wait