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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If chump can get away with seizing property without the consent of the owner he can away with docking your pay without your consent. Uh-Oh?

If chump can get away with seizing property without the consent of the owner he can away with docking your pay without your consent. Uh-Oh?

Sure he can. Who is gonna stop him? The "Justice" Department controlled by the fake AG liddle billybarr whose purpose for being is to suck up to and protect chump? The SUPREMES five of whom favor chump and sadly the steadfast jacka** may soon get a chance to appoint another toady sycophant. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 85 and her health is failing. She is a liberal and when she goes hope goes with her. 3 liberals versus six chumpions. You do the math. It ain't that hard to figger out folks.

While the SUPREMES are supposed to rule on the law and not be partisan we know better. Perhaps it will develop a conscience and do the right thing. Perhaps it won't and will go along strict party lines.  The extreme right-wing fascist racist group and what's left that isn't. Could be 6 for chump 3 for naught. SIGH.

We'll see what happens. That I can tell you. Everyone says so.

Posted - August 29, 2019
