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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » As hurricanes destroy Mar a Lago and sea waters drown the entire state of Florida,climate change deniers will blame the Dems for it. Why?

As hurricanes destroy Mar a Lago and sea waters drown the entire state of Florida,climate change deniers will blame the Dems for it. Why?

What else could be the cause? Dems of course. "Glug glug glug glug" scream they as they drown. "Them dam* Dems"! "Glug glug glug glug glug"

Well the climate change deniers were never the sharpest knives in the drawers nor did they have a full deck with which to play. They did what there told. They thought what they were told to think. They did everything right. God was on their side.

You know what that means don't you? Those dam* Dems are more powerful than GOD! What else could it be but that?.

Posted - August 30, 2019
