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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Is committing suicide a selfish act? Do those who take their own lives ever once consider what they are doing to those they leave behind?

Is committing suicide a selfish act? Do those who take their own lives ever once consider what they are doing to those they leave behind?

Some of you heard this before. My best friend took her own life in the mid 1980's. We whom she left behind felt guilty that we could not see it. I can't speak for the others because we have lost touch but for myself I will always feel guilty until the day I die. What did I not notice? What should I have done? Why wasn't I a better friend? I will never be able to answer those questions.

So for any of you who contemplate doing that just stop and think about the people who love you. What are they supposed to do without you? How are they supposed to go on without always carrying your suicide like an albatross around their necks? Just think about that for a moment. Your death ends your life. You're out of it. Easy peasy simple. SIGH. I'm just sayin'.

Posted - August 30, 2019


  • 7800
    Here is my unpopular opinion on this matter Rosie. It's a selfish act only for people that have no idea what that state of mind is like. I am in no way angered about people that commit such a thing, but I do understand why people do it. Despite all of that, the living should carry on and learn from it and try to understand that it wasn't anyone's fault. Easier said than done I know, but I got no other explanation. Yea I'm suicidal! So what! This post was edited by Zack at August 31, 2019 4:30 AM MDT
      August 30, 2019 1:37 PM MDT

  • 113301
    What I want from you and others is what you think m'dear. You KNOW that by now. I don't care if your views are uniquely unpopular or popular. I never go by that. I am sorry that your life has caused you to contemplate suicide. I am extremely PROUD that you are still here even though and despite your state of being. I have had times when all I wanted to do was to go to sleep and wake up after all the problems were resolved or solved. But I have never ever contemplated causing my own death. Besides being considered a sin from a religious point of view I would never do that to my loved ones. NEVER. Well there is one situation I would but they would know. That would be my being in unremitting pain/agony from a disease that was killing me. I am not brave when it comes to pain Zack. My brother-in-law years ago killed himself. His body was taken over by cancer that had metastasized. He got to a point where meds did not help because the dosage that would take away the pain would kill him. So he was stuck.  I'd want to end my suffering but it would never be without letting friends and family know WHY. You ask "so what"? So nothing I can say will matter to you. Any time someone gives me a "so what" I give up. One last point. You are still here. i am glad of that m'dear. So what that! I dare you. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday! :)
      August 31, 2019 4:38 AM MDT