Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Quantum Physics/Cognitive Science. We probably know more about how the universe works than how the brain works. Why is that?

Quantum Physics/Cognitive Science. We probably know more about how the universe works than how the brain works. Why is that?

We are told we only use a small percent of our brain followed by whatever percent the writer wants to give you. 5% or 10% or whatever. However wouldn't we have to know what 100% is before we could make such a statement? We don't know that. We can suppose surmise guess hope but we don't yet know what our brains are capable of. We don't understand much about how it works or why it works. We know that infants are sponges and learn most rapidly when they are young.

Think about how infants learn. A miracle of watching a sentient being develop right in front of you. How is it accomplished? What triggers curiosity to learn more? What triggers an aversion? Can we know early on which infants will become remarkable in their achievement and which infants will be drawn to self-destruction? Why do some learn quickly while others struggle mightily to understand/learn?

It's complicated.

Posted - September 1, 2019
