That was where people with different agendas and beliefs gathered together to decide which books were scripture and which books were to be burned.
Yep. They burned the books they excluded so we will never know what was in them.
To understand how the Bible came into being in its present form one must be familiar with its parentage and ancestry and how imperfect men with political agendas made the decisions about GOD'S words.
To be ignorant of that leads to not really understand what they are reading.
The genesis of anything matters. The politics and agendas of those who make the decisions must be known and understood. Don'tcha think?
Curiosity is a good thing I think. Some fear questioning and researching and investigating. They are very happy to settle for being told what to think/believe by others. It absolves them of any obligation to find the truth for themselves..
Why are some people so terrified of searching for the TRUTH? Because they fear they will find it?