You on board with that?
Usta be COMMUNIST was the most vile thing anyone could be. Black Listed. "Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist party?"
Finks forced to fink on one another just to prove their allegiance to the kefauver Committee whose goals was to rout out every Commanist wherever he/she be no matter who or how high.
Then someone with common sense said "HAVE YOU NO DECENCY"? The spell was broken, the committee was lambasted, things got back to normal. Many suffered through that idiocy and never fully recovered.
We are now in a similar mess. You must be a prodon or you will suffer direly foreverly and so will your family.
Is there anyone around now who will ask "HAVE YOU NO DECENCY" and be heard? Or are decent men being decimated silenced vanquished? I dunno. Just wonderin'.