Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Walmart sez it will stop selling handgun ammunition and ask customers to NOT BRING GUNS TO THE STORES! Will chump deport the company?
That's an excellent observation Shuhak. We are fast approaching a time when there are no standards. Perhaps we are already there. Everyone everywhere is lowering the bar or eliminating it entirely. It is a very odd thing to experience to witness. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Wednesday! :)
The company will stop selling all handgun ammunition and some short-barrel rifle ammunition, such as the .223 caliber and 5.56 caliber after clearing current stock. (Reuters)
What do they mean by a "short-barrel rifle"?
Short-barreled rifle is a legal designation in the United States, referring to a shoulder-fired, rifled firearm, made from a rifle, with a barrel length of less than 16 in or overall length of less than 26 in, or a handgun fitted with a buttstock and a barrel of less than 16 inches length.
You also have to get a special tax stamp for an AR-15 to legally have a barrel shorter than 16 inches.
btw - It's highly doubtful asking people not to bring their guns to the stores will have any effect. Criminals won't listen to the request ... and since no civilians shot back at the WalMart shoot, it seems they didn't bring their guns previously.
I have no idea what gun lingo means Walt since I'm not a gun person. I didn't know that folks were welcome to arrive with guns on their persons or in their purses at Walmart where we shop weekly.. I guess it's best to think everyone is armed so don't look at anyone cross-eyed. Thank you for your helpful and informative reply. Maybe we have been living in an "armed camp" since forever and I am just oblivious. SIGH. Happy Wednesday! :)