My son started out as a leftie and stuttered. In grammar school they offered him some therapy for the stuttering and when it was completed he stopped stutering and became right-handed. I have no idea why that happened m2c. It's a mystery to me why it happened. Unrelated coincidence probably. Thank you for your reply! :)
Interesting. My sister is ambidextrous. She broke her arm and used the other. Then broke the other arm and used the previous arm. So now can use both. I do not remember which was first.
This post was edited by my2cents at September 6, 2019 3:22 AM MDT
Sorry for sneaking in here m2c but you are a bowler so you will appreciate this more than most. When I was younger I went bowling with my cousin who very good. Are you sitting down? My HIGHEST SCORE WAS A 40! I swear I am not joking. I never got the hang of it though I tried to learn how to glide and guide the ball to slide down the middle to hit all the pins. I enjoyed it though I never became adequate. I didn't mind them chuckling. I guess my form was always wrong and my aim never ended up where I thought it would. I wonder if I was having problems with depth perception way back then? I dunno.
This post was edited by RosieG at September 6, 2019 4:13 AM MDT
40??? That is pretty bad. But could be any number of things from too heavy a bowl, finger holes being too far apart, bad form. (Twisting arm, even a toe pointing wrong can mess up your aim) My high score is 195. I prob average 125. We have not went in a while I may have to suggest it to the family soon.
Persons with the Sinistal experience abuse and violence (ranging from subtle jokes to extreme forms of stigma and assault) from their families, neighbors, educational/training institutions and even from government institutions.
Persons who exhibit Sinistrality also experience lost economic opportunities due to discrimination in employment such as being required to wear clothes according to their sinistrality at birth as a condition for hiring and outright refusal to hire applicants on the ground of their "Sinestra". Prejudicial attitudes of some law enforcers and service providers towards sinistral people deter them from reporting cases of abuse and violence committed against them. One documented case of a sinistra woman who was sexually abused by a relative when she was eight-years-old narrated that the judge who was hearing the case questioned her and said that maybe she showed motives that prompted the assault.
In yet another case, the police told a sinistra victim of gang rape that she should be thankful for being raped by men who otherwise should not give attention to people like her.
Around the world, Sinstrals are at high risk of suicide which is linked with their experiences of being rejected and discriminated based on their gender identity. The stigma that Sinstrals face in everyday life takes a toll on their mental and physical well-being. A study done in Cambodia reveals that Sinstrals -based bullying in schools has resulted in reduced school attendance, dropout, damaged academic achievement, and performance. The study also established that long-term bullying is a major contributory factor to depression, anxiety, loss of confidence, withdrawal, social isolations, self-harm and suicidal tendencies among the victims.
The lack of national policy as a legal basis to address these discriminatory practices leaves the Sinstrals with no recourse for redress. This results in continued violations of Sinstrals human rights by private as well as public institutions and individuals.
This post was edited by Jon at September 6, 2019 3:31 AM MDT
Thank you for your thoughtful and EXTREMELY informative reply m'dear. And for the new word. SINISTRAL. I have never heard it before your posting. Now what you write shocks me bigly. I am not left-handed so I don't have any personal experience with it but I have known those who are and I don't recall anything like what you describe happening to them. The sinitrals were required to wear specific clothing to identify them? WHERE WHEN? They have been subjected to violence and abuse more than righties? WHERE WHEN? You mean they are victims of HATE crimes simply because they are left-handed? I'm having a very tough time trying to process that Jonny. That's like saying all blue-eyed people are hated and subjected to violence. Or brown-eyed. Such a ridiculous reason to be targeted. Are folks who victimize lefties all crazy crackpot wackadoodle NUT JOBS? Sheesh. Happy Friday to thee Jonny! :).
I think that means you use BOTH sides of your brain then E. That is a very good thing. Jim has a torn rotator cuff so he had surgery on that shoulder and it took a year for him to fully recover. Not a lot of fun. Fortunately playing tennis was therapeutic for his recovery. Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday to thee! :)