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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What If the Founding Fathers had specifically limited the right to arm bears to the use of MUSKETS ONLY? Any other weapon would be illegal?

What If the Founding Fathers had specifically limited the right to arm bears to the use of MUSKETS ONLY? Any other weapon would be illegal?

The present-day repertoise of weapons is truly mind-boggling. The Founding Fathers could not possibly hae envisioned your AK one million or 50 zillion. I guess they had cannons then too but you can't carry a cannon with you 24/7.

What they did wasn't specific enough and so of course homo saps being what they are interpet it to suit their own needs wants desire evildoings. SIGH.

SPECIFICITY! Where were you when you were most needed?

Posted - September 9, 2019
