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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Is that a fact of life everywhere? Every citizen of every country has to protect him/herself from the goverment? NO EXCEPTIONS?

Is that a fact of life everywhere? Every citizen of every country has to protect him/herself from the goverment? NO EXCEPTIONS?

Would you work for a company that you had to protect yourself from or marry someone you had to protect yourself from or shop at a market you had to protect yourself from? If so we've already gone to HE** in a hand basket and are oblivious of it. Can we really be that obtuse?

Posted - September 13, 2019


  • 6023
    Yep ... it's true.

    Governments rule through fear, and power corrupts.

    The Nuremberg Trials (after WW2) had NAZI soldiers and officials saying they weren't responsible for committing horrendous acts because they were "just following orders".

    The judgement against them showed that wasn't a valid reason.

    However, what was the defense of the FBI agents at Waco, TX and Ruby Ridge, ID? 
    Where unarmed women and children were murdered by those government agents.
    "We were just following orders."

    What is the defense every time the police break into an innocent person's house and kill them or their pets?  "We were just following orders."

    And that is in a democratic republic - the "shining beacon on a hill" - not a tyranny or dictatorship.

    Any person who believes they don't need protection from their own government, is dangerously naive.
      September 13, 2019 9:19 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I am that last word. Naive. Current gubment is the rotten apple in the barrel of life. We've always needed protection from one another. I give you ROAD RAGE for example. Or dingbats whose tempers are out of control so they murder and the excuse is "it was a crime of passion". Or mental defect. Anyone who murders anyone is a mental defect to me. Now if you kill to protect yourself or someone else that is not murder.
    I wonder if more gun people have mental problems than the unguns? Thank you for your reply Walt. I'm gonna ask. I'm gonna duck after that.
      September 14, 2019 7:28 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Well, in a way.  Yes.  

    You screw with the government and who can win?

    If you do not screw with the government and they perceive that YOU did?  How can you win?  You can file a claim against the charge, but you need to cross your fingers and hope and pray.  Because you cannot fight city hall.  STILL.  
      September 13, 2019 12:39 PM MDT

  • 113301
    If someone lies and sets you up and the liar is believed and you are not that would be a problem. I doubt that the gubment would set me up. I am very small potatoes. Not worth the trouble. Thank you for your reply Sharon.
      September 14, 2019 7:30 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Have you heard of "SWATing"?
    It is a tactic among online gamers ... where they find out who their "foe" is, and call the police in that jurisdiction and report the person kidnapped someone, or made threats - something to get the police to attack the residence with a SWAT unit.  Some of these innocent people have been KILLED by the police, responding to such calls.  After all, "How dare they resist forced entry by their government?  They must be guilty of something."  And the police are NEVER punished!

    So, yeah.
    YOU don't NEED to be a criminal.
    You just need to upset someone with no morals or qualms about using the government to kill you.
      September 16, 2019 7:41 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Online gamers is not the gubment Walt. Online gamers are individuals who are insane and therefore will do anything to get back at whomever for whatever whenever. Just like the steadfast jacka** does 24/7. I'm small potatoes so the steadfast jacka** wouldn't bother with me. Individuals who hide behind screens in the security of anonymity who are also crackpots are very dangerous. I have nothing within me to fight the likes of them. I had not heard of this till now. Another thing to add to the list of wacakadoodle crackpot things homo saps are made of. Sigh. Anything else I should know about which I can do nothing? Thank you for your reply. SIGH. This post was edited by RosieG at September 16, 2019 7:53 AM MDT
      September 16, 2019 7:52 AM MDT

  • 6023
    True ... online gamers are not the government.
    But they are also not the ones breaking windows, tossing in smoke grenades and/or flash-bangs, breaking down doors, stomping pets to death, and injuring or killing people.
    Government forces are.

    When the government is so out-of-control that it will do those things without a reasonable cause or a warrant ... just on the word of some anonymous caller ... you can't trust the government, and have to be ready to defend yourself against it.
      September 16, 2019 10:31 AM MDT