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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Are BONESPURS curable? What if they are growing in the brain? Any hope for the brain bonespur sufferer?

Are BONESPURS curable? What if they are growing in the brain? Any hope for the brain bonespur sufferer?

If the bonspurs are located where ordinary typical average standard real bonespurs are what's the cure? SURGERY?

Do they ever go away with treatment exercise proper diet? What causes bonespurs anyway? Ever had one? Is it VERY PAINFUL? Do bonespurs CRIPPLE YOU so badly you cannot walk and must live out your life in a wheelcahir? Are there different stages of bonespuitis? I know CANCER comes in 4 stages..the 4th being the worst. How many stages of BONESPURITIS are there?
Do bonespurs kill if they are big enough bad enough sharp enough? Are all bonespurs alike? Are they survivable?

If you have bonespurs in your 20's do you still have them in your 40's and 50's and 70's?

Posted - September 15, 2019
