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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How far back in his quest to reactivate YESTERDAY will the steadfast jacka** go? Do you know? Will you follow him where he goest?

How far back in his quest to reactivate YESTERDAY will the steadfast jacka** go? Do you know? Will you follow him where he goest?

Back to where women were best kept pregnant and barefoot and forbidden from voting or owning anything
Back to where people of color were happy slaves doing the bidding of their masters without complaint
Back to where there were public lynchings as the entertainment of the day for those who were so inclined

How far back will the Reactionary man go before he is satisfied that he is where he belongs and the rest of y'all are with him to do with as he pleases? As he is doing now only morelier  and biglier so.

Back before there were anything such as that dam*ed CIVIL LIBERTIES LEGISLATION or the ACLU.

How far back do YOU Reactionaries want him to go? Of course the rest of the world will leave y'all in their dust and won't even miss y'all at all. Y'all will be a footnote in their books of history and  a rather insignificant and irrelevant  one at that. The albatross that was weighting the world down is gone. All alone on their own. Nice end to your story y'all. Izn't it? "Wither thou goest/goeth I shall go." Your worshipful words to HE WHO WILL BE YOUR ALL. He will love it.

Posted - September 16, 2019
