Why are there so many homo saps who are drawn to the dark side the evil side the cruel side the corrupt side? I think it's because they prefer to serve the DEVIL.
Does that mean I think there is a stand alone entity that is Satan or the Anti-GOD? I haven't decided that and I probably never shall. I don't think it makes any difference.
Some people clearly are here to serve good be good promulgate good. Others are here to be and do the opposite. Why you are drawn to one or the other is probably because that's whom you are. Period.
I think EVIL stems from emotional defect and GOOD stems from intellectual rational sensible reasonable thought. An example would be this.
If I HARM you I have made an enemy. Then I will have put myself in peril futurely.
If I HELP you I have made a "friend" who will have no reason to harm me. Now which makes more sense to YOU? Harming others and putting yourself in peril or helping others and creating a network of friends? It is as SIMPLE and UNCOMPLICATED as that.