He could put his brand on the face of everyone in his base. Well maybe a branding iron might sear the flesh and some wouldn't like it so much.
A tattoo would work. I guess they kinda hurt too but I betcha not nearly as much as a hot branding iron.
His base would have a choice of which brand
It would be on the face so that no one could hide it. Forehead or cheek? And anyone trying to cover it up with makeup or whatever would get put in prison for insulting the chump and dissing him and rejecting him and defying him. You know how well that goes over with him! He likes to put his brand on what he owns.
So are ya on board for your man? He could brag about that. Bet Putin hasn't branded all Russians and I bet Kim hasn't branded all North Koreans.
The steadfast jacka** could start a trend among evil despot dictators. Maybe he would get a NOBEL PRIZE for that?