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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Are you an admirer of tumbleweeds? Rootless spiny things that go whicher way the wind blows? Do you too?

Are you an admirer of tumbleweeds? Rootless spiny things that go whicher way the wind blows? Do you too?

The donnyjonny tumbleweed is worshipped by millions of homo saps. Can you imagine anything MORE ABSURD than that? A mindless pointless heartless thing that goes whichever way others blow. Erratic irrational and can be very damaging to anything that gets in its way. That would be donnyjonny.

Imagine a huge windstorm and you are driving down a road when suddenly a big old fat tumbleweed hits your car. How much damage can a tumbleweed do?

Posted - September 21, 2019
