He is transparent. He is shouting loudly in TRUMPANESE, which is VERY close to CHIMPANZIE if you understand that animal's language and thought processes. Anyway, he is telling us that if you ask him? HE IS GONNA HIDE AND LIE ABOUT IT. Maybe he will forget and use the Russian Adoption excuse again. Like Don Jr.'s collaboration with those Russians to get dirt on Hilary.
So, this time, we can decipher Trumpanese to mean simply that he is covering up the fact that he is doing an illegal deal with a foreign government either with HELPING THEM WITH MILITARY AID OR MONEY OR BOTH for info on Biden's son, or maybe just spreading the news around that there IS dirt to be had and since there is NOTHING, he is paying them to lie, like he did to the weather forecasters in Alabama hurricane predictions.
Same liar. Same transparency. Trump will end Trump. He is such a buffoon.