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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Make America Great Again.The media is the enemy of the people.Democrats hate Jews/want open borders." PROFOUND OR GIBBERISH?

"Make America Great Again.The media is the enemy of the people.Democrats hate Jews/want open borders." PROFOUND OR GIBBERISH?

Mexico will pay for the wall
Send her back
Lock her up
There are good people on both sides (referring to racists/neo-Nazis)
I believe him (Putin, Kim, the Saudi clown prince, all sex deviates, all despot dictators no exceptions)
I will never lie to you
I know more than the generals
I will get only the BEST people
I will lower the debt and the deficit
Trade wars are easy to win
I am an extremely stable genius
No collusion
Fake news
Where is my Roy Cohn?
I don't know anything about it
I never say anything inappropriate to any world leader
It doesn't matter what I said
There was blood coming from everywhere...from her eyes...from her....
Low I.Q.
I don't like to exercise. It takes too much energy.
My favorite book is The Bible. My second favorite book is The Art of the Deal
Beautiful chocolate cake
I get beautiful letters from Kim
I don't know why Russia would meddle in our election. He (Putin) was VERY STRONG in his denial
It never happened
I don't know him
I never met her
My crowd sizes are always bigger than anyone's
I will release my tax returns just as soon as the audit has been completed
Of course I will listen to anyone from any country if it involves getting DIRT on a competitor
Why do we only get people from SH**HOLE countries? Why not from Norway?
If she weren't my daughter I'd probably date her
I don't mind Kim testing missiles. They are short-range. We did not discuss them.
And so on and so on and so on and so and so on to infinity and beyond to eternity and beyond to he**?

Posted - September 22, 2019
