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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Poor pathetic pitiful prince andy. His past "association" with the epstein queer duck is catching up with him. Doth he protest TOO MUCHO?

Poor pathetic pitiful prince andy. His past "association" with the epstein queer duck is catching up with him. Doth he protest TOO MUCHO?

He is photographed with the girl who says he had sex with her when she was underage. He has been to the queer duck's island.."sex with minors" island I believe is the name. Or it could be "little girl fantasy island"

Now he is cavorting about verbally and pretzelizing himself in various contortions to disavow all of it. Sure andy we believe ya. All you wanted was the queer duck's companionship right? Hot and cold running little girls naked were not of any interest to you at all were they? As pure as the driven snow ya wuz wuzn't ya? You betcha.

Too bad my pretty. You should have thought it then when you were with a little girl doing big bad boy things to her. So much for royalty. No better or worse than politicians or playboys or sex perverts.

Posted - September 22, 2019
