Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» "WORLD LEADERS MEET AT THE U.N. ON CLIMATE CHANGE"! The Bogus Fake US impotent inept holograph did not DARE show up there. WHY?
"WORLD LEADERS MEET AT THE U.N. ON CLIMATE CHANGE"! The Bogus Fake US impotent inept holograph did not DARE show up there. WHY?
Why d'ya think? He is an AGENT OF EVIL! What a humiliating embarrassing situation. That the United States of America is now controlled by such a witless hapless dumba** JACKA**? Who wouldda thunk it? Da debbil did!
Because instead of going to listen to a fake problem, he went to speak out against a real problem religous persecution. 80% of the world lives in where there is religous persecution.