Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Any of you watch/hear the "Emily Doe" segment on 60 Minutes? A judge was recalled for having given a light sentence to the perp. Justice?

Any of you watch/hear the "Emily Doe" segment on 60 Minutes? A judge was recalled for having given a light sentence to the perp. Justice?

She went through a horrifying experience. The perp? A champion college swimmer who had a very bright future and everything going for him and came from "such a good family".

He was PULLED OFF HER unconscious body by the two witnesses and ran away but the two guys who pulled him off  her ran after him and tackled him and kept him on the ground until the police arrived. THEY WITNESSED some of what he was doing to the unconscious girl. She has no recollection of any of it. She had passed out from being drunk. As she said the penalty for being drunk should be a very big hangover...not having someone put his body parts into her unconscious body. The perp thought no one was looking. He was on top of her behind a dumpster after all. He thought wrong.

It went to trial and the judge was ever so solicitous of the perp because "he comes from a good family" and had a bright future and was a champion swimmer. So what should have been a sentence of six years in jail morphed into what? 90 days! No joke! Well he did come from such a good family and had such a bright future and this "incident' would ruin him. Guess what folks? People were so enraged outraged furious that he was brought up on charges and RECALLED. Bounced. Booted. Rejected. He thought being as how he was a good old boy he could save the jacka**. He was very wrong. I think all such "judges" should be recalled. Do you?

Posted - September 24, 2019


  • 34835
    A judge should not have the power to change the recommended sentence that much without some sort of a process to have it approved and explained/justified. 

    This is why some propose have mandatory minimums. 
      September 24, 2019 4:19 AM MDT