To deploy a steadfast jacka** gubment FIRING SQUAD to shoot DEAD all spies.
What d'ya hafta do to be labeled a spy?
CROSS chump. That's it.
So any sharpshooters out there who want to be patriots should apply. The FIRING SQUAD members will be treated as ELITES. That newly created Department will have a SECRETARY of course. One of chump's BEST people.
It will be someone who has never held a gun in his/her hand. A person who doesn't know which end you point at your target. A person who has a deep and abiding faith in chump and would be glad to throw anyone under the bus for chump including any and all "loved" ones. Anything at anytime no matter what!
Based on his track record of choosing Department Heads the requirement is no experience whatsoever no education whatsoever no intelligence test whatsoever no vetting whatsoever and an illegal entanglement in corruption and criminal activity that is decades old...preferably with hostile foreign countries. That is a MUST! NO EXCEPTIONS! WHAT the head MUST be first and foremost is a fan of murder to shut up the "enemies of the state" which is anyone chump designated as such. Ever expanding of course.
Pay will be whatever he/she wants. Sky's the limit. The chump pays his people VERY WELL. Who wants to sign up?