Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The larger the brain the more intelligent its owner is? Just caught chump saying some said he had a lot of respect for his. WHAT?

The larger the brain the more intelligent its owner is? Just caught chump saying some said he had a lot of respect for his. WHAT?

The brand x whomever chump was quoting allegedly said he had a lot of respect for chump;s "very very large brain". First of all don't you need a x-ray to determine size? Second of all could a huge-brain guy be not as intelligent a a slightly smaller-brain guy? I know pea-brain size isn't an endorsement for intellect. But what size is good size and what size is not so hot? I know chump is obsessed with the size of his body parts and thinks bigger is always better and smaller is always a sign of inadequacy. He thinks his allegedly small hands are an impediment to him I suppose. Small appendages small other body parts small brain small accomplishments small goals small thoughts small vision small invetiveness small astuteness small values. Are you obsessed with large or small body-part wise or any other wise? Does it affect your self-esteem or worth or value? How?

Posted - September 28, 2019
