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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » They are TOO TERRIFIED to state the TRUTH. Why don't they at the very LEAST stifle it? But no. They'd rather promulgate LIES. WHY?

They are TOO TERRIFIED to state the TRUTH. Why don't they at the very LEAST stifle it? But no. They'd rather promulgate LIES. WHY?

The TRUTH is PROVABLE. If you must needs discuss it honor it. Don't lie about it. Easy peasy right?

The mountains and mountains of bullsh** CRAP that is being spread around like manure would be laughable if it weren't so dam*ably dangerous and evil. Why spread a lie? Just clam up shut up and go into hiding. The spokesmouths for the steadfast jacka** are all programmed with the exact same talking points. As if anyone but their ilk is gonna buy it. Remain silent and folks may think you are intelligent. Speak and prove you aren't. That is what the steadfast jacka** does 24/7.  He has disabused us of any semblance of his being remotely lucid. He keeps doubling down doubling down doubling down and so do his spokesmouths. Incredibly boring predictable and ridikkalus. Gibberish babble incoherent.

Posted - October 7, 2019
