Since THEY KNOW this is unprecedented, they do not CARE since when. There is no when. It never happened before because it is illegal. Where are the checks and balances? In Trump's pocket. MAKE AMERICA A VIRTUAL PRISON. AND NEVER AGAIN. NEVER AGAIN. IF WE WIN THROUGH THIS WILL NEVER AGAIN HAPPEN. IF WE DON'T? IT WILL BE NEVER AGAIN BECAUSE WE WILL HAVE LOST EVERYTHING WE HAVE BUILT FOR 200 PLUS YEARS.
And then people wonder why I don't worry about growing old. I can't wait to leave this place.
The steadast jacka** is reconfiguring everything in his image. Everything. What is more gawdawful than that Sharon? His adoring peeps embrace everything. Got an email from my sister who says there are some words she won't use any more...he has defiled them. Like Wisdom and Genius. What's next? Only God knows the answer to that one. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday. I'm gonna ask a question based on my sister's email. I use every bit of my life to make connections or try. SIGH.
Since we did away with investigations involving torturing the subject.
As long as the investigator believes it will lead them to a more powerful figure, or larger conspiracy, the subject has been able to make demands on the investigator.
Sorry Walt but this response doesn't even come close to making sense. The chump is under multiple investigations. HE IS THE SUSPECTED PERP. Having him have the power to set the terms is RIDICULOUS! So if you want to take the time to tell me why and how so I can grasp what you mean I'm all ears. Either it is too profound and beyond my grasp or you aren't reaching me with this. SIGH. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday. The chump is redoing everything in his image. How gawdawful is that?
This post was edited by RosieG at October 9, 2019 1:31 AM MDT
Subjects of investigation have always set the terms ... under at least two conditions: 1 - When they have been able to offer "higher ups" to the investigation. 2 - When they are powerful enough. Anyone who is familiar with our "legal" system is aware of this. (And it's why it's not a "justice" system.)
So you rat others out and get a break? Is that what you mean? Telling the investigator you refuse to answer any questions or provide any documents or supply anyone to testify is okay with you? Stonewalling is your cuppa tea. What does the investigators get from this cuppa tea Walt? Besides indigestion from the vile stuff from which it is made? I still don't get it. What does the stonewaller have to offer but more stonewalling? Makes no sense. Sorry.
No subject has to cooperate with an investigation. That's what the Bill of Rights says, anyway.
Of course, that is different from hindering an investigation by tampering with evidence or witnesses.
If "stonewalling" is refusing to answer questions - that is perfectly legal. If "stonewalling" is lying - that is a crime.
But again, we have a "legal" system ... so if you can hire a good enough lawyer, you can get away with anything. Maybe one day the American People will revolt and install a "justice" system - but I highly doubt it.