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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Can we fairly blame our parents if we become corrupt and criminal? Was it how they raised us that caused us to be so vile? Who's to blame?

Can we fairly blame our parents if we become corrupt and criminal? Was it how they raised us that caused us to be so vile? Who's to blame?

Babies are born innocent. They have no control over their DNA which is all controlled by the two people who slept together without protection. Your basic animals coupling like all animal do due to a sex drive inherent in most all of us. They turn out to be mass murderers. Whose fault is that? It ain't theirs. They neigther asked for nor controlled what they were born with or as or what they did with it. In some great far beyond unknown the culprit exists who is responsible for this mess of homo sap who are all sap no homo.

Random chance? The luck of the draw? DUMB LUCK? A mad scientist at large experimenting?

I know some kids are born to rotten people and turn out swell as he**. Some kids are born to people who are swell as he** and become mass murderers. However somewhere in there a decision is made which is gonna be which. Who makes it? What makes it?

Posted - October 9, 2019


  • 34824
    We are responsible for our own actions. 
      October 9, 2019 6:23 AM MDT