Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If tRump et al and the cabal REFUSE to testify when subpoened they should be thrown in prison. Don'tcha think?

If tRump et al and the cabal REFUSE to testify when subpoened they should be thrown in prison. Don'tcha think?

What happens when a person IGNORES the tRUMP demand to shut up and say nothing to anyone? Does the person who CHOOSES to testify anyway because he/she wants the truth out go to prison?

Mebbe they could share the cell...one big happy family. The REFUSERS and the CHOOSERS? That would be a whole lotta fun going on 24/7. Cots with thin mattresses side by side by side by side by side with those tin foil blankets, no toiletries and hot dogs for breakfast lunch and dinner..mustard only.

Posted - October 11, 2019
