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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Rudy Giuliani is a CRIMINAL LAWYER without the lawyer part". The rudyg is in a big world of hurt and so is his boss. Act 2/3/finale?

"Rudy Giuliani is a CRIMINAL LAWYER without the lawyer part". The rudyg is in a big world of hurt and so is his boss. Act 2/3/finale?

The plot is the same. The pattern the plan the template. Over and over and over and over and over. You see one you've seen all the others. They are all alike in the dark. Right? Same plot. Same/different actors. Same end. See it a bazillion times and nothing changes but the actors who play the same old roles in the same old way by the same old rules servicing the same old boss. Boring as he** except to the players all of whom believe they are the very best of the best at what they do and that rigid vivid avid perfervid obsessive base of doting fans who never tire of the sameoldsameoldsameold.

Posted - October 14, 2019
