Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Simple way of life. Anything that trump doesn't like his prodons won't research investigate question read learn about. SWEET?

Simple way of life. Anything that trump doesn't like his prodons won't research investigate question read learn about. SWEET?

That way dangerous truths can't reach them since they automatically discard them as FAKE NEWS becuz it's what the trump tells them to do. So they do. Just as trump is an obedient little puppetboy whose strings Putin and Kim and Erdogan and Netanyahu and the Saudi Crown Prince pull so too are all the prodons very obedient puppets whose strings are in trump's hands which comforts them because they TRUST HIM.

What could be simpler than that? They don't need to fill their heads with anything that has not been trump-approved.

Posted - October 15, 2019
